Thursday, April 28, 2011

Welcome to Life Development Today

So this is my first post to this blog. For the first post I don't want to do a lot, I just want to take the time to introduce myself and give my vision of where I see this blog going.

My name is John Culbertson. I have spent the last eight years of my life as a life coach. During this time I've played around with a lot of new age stuff (psychic stuff-tarot readings-etc), but I want to be very clear right from the start that I have no intention in this blog focusing on that aspect of my life. Rather, I want to focus on my other life passion, which is helping people to understand and improve their own lives.

I am 32 years old, an aspiring author, and someone that loves traveling when the opportunity presents itself. I am a firm believer in the Law of Attraction. I have many role models, but perhaps my most well known is Anthony Robbins. For as long as I can remember I have devoured as much information as possible about learning to find success and happiness in life.

I currently live in Florida with my wife (an elementary teacher), a cat, and a dog. I know in the near future we will be moving, but we've not yet decided on where.I

I have a variety of interests outside of this passion of mine, but those need not be explored here.

I do invite everyone to comment and add your thoughts and suggestions to this blog. One of the best things a teacher ever taught me was that the teacher is always learning from their students. Likewise, we all constantly learn from each other all the time. I want this blog to be a place where like minds can come to talk about topics that have an appeal in developing and improving life in all forms.

People who know me will note that I have a website entitled Life Development Today. While I love the idea of having a website, a blog seems more logical for the amount and type of information that I'm wanting to put out there. As such, it's not likely that I'll be updating that website any longer.  In fact, in the upcoming days I will be placing a link on the site redirecting people to here.

I don't know how often I will be blogging. I'm going to aspire to post something new everyday. We all know that life has a funny way of taking us in new directions. So while I can promise to update frequently, I feel a little uneasy promising a daily update. We'll see what happens.

I look forward to posting everything from reviews of movies and books centering on self help, to posting interviews, and of course showcasing the findings I discover in my constant search for new information in the life development and motivational field. Additionally, I tend to be a pretty good article writer myself, so you'll see my own articles and thoughts from time to time. Additionally, expect a few questions to be asked of the Life Development Today community that we can all toss around and explore.

Well, I think that's enough for now. My wife is headed to bed so she can be up bright and early for the Royal Wedding. I, on the other hand, am just getting ready to take a few late night clients. I look forward to sharing and having fun with everyone.