Thursday, May 5, 2011

Leaving a Cult

If you haven't read the my first post on cults yet, you may want to check out that post which is entitled "The Ways a Cult Works" as it provides a good starting amount of information to consider,

Leaving a cult is not an easy process and requires a great deal of inner willpower and many times external support. Likewise, if you know someone who is involved in a cult, helping them can be a much more complex problem than just telling them "Hey, you're involved in a cult, don't you realize that? Now leave!"

Today I just want to present to you some important links that deal with leaving a cult and helping others to leave a cult.

Coming Out of a Cult
Counseling People Who Walk Away from a Cult
Where Can Cult Victims Find Help
Coping with Post Cult Trauma
Myths and Facts About Cult Invovelment
Do's and Don'ts List of Helping People in a Cult

Either later today or sometime tomorrow I will return to the primary focus of this blog, which deals with improving our own lives.